There are two rules in aspectj/pointcut/Expression.sdf file that seems to lead to ambiguity:
1. Id -> PointcutName{cons(“PointcutName”)}
2. ClassOrInterfaceType -> PointcutName{cons(“PointcutName”)}

so a sentence like: "after(): p1() {} " results in ambiguity as the compiler can’t be sure whether “p1()” is should be translated using the first or second rule (ClassOrInterfaceType(TypeName(Id(“p1”)), None()), and thus in the pretty print of aspectj it will appear as <amb 1>p1 2>p1 amb>()

problem doesn’t occur in pp-aspectj native process - the ambiguity resolves somehow


Submitted on 21 July 2012 at 15:28

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