Regions take the lowest possible node in the ast. For primitives this is often not desired behavior.

The code:

  2015-01-01 0:00:00
  2015-12-31 23:59:59
  no value

Has the following ast:

    [ Int("1"){ (NablProp_ordering(), [Ordered()])
              , (NablProp_multiplicity(), [One()])
              , (Type(), [Int()])
    , Float("1.4"){ (NablProp_ordering(), [Ordered()])
                  , (NablProp_multiplicity(), [One()])
                  , (Type(), [Float()])
    , String("Asdf"){ (NablProp_ordering(), [Ordered()])
                    , (NablProp_multiplicity(), [One()])
                    , (Type(), [String()])
    , Datetime("2015-01-01 0:00:00"){ (NablProp_ordering(), [Ordered()])
                                    , (NablProp_multiplicity(), [One()])
                                    , (Type(), [Datetime()])
    , Datetime("2015-12-31 23:59:59"){ (NablProp_ordering(), [Ordered()])
                                     , (NablProp_multiplicity(), [One()])
                                     , (Type(), [Datetime()])
    , NoValue(){ (NablProp_ordering(), [Ordered()])
               , (NablProp_multiplicity(), [ZeroOrOne()])
               , (Type(), [NoValue()])


test type of Literal Int [[ [[1]] ]] run get-type to Int
test type of Literal Float [[ [[1.4]] ]] run get-type to Float
test type of literal String [[ [["Asdf"]] ]] run get-type to String
test type of literal Datetime [[ [[2015-01-01 0:00:00]] ]] run get-type to Datetime
test type of literal Datetime2[[ [[2015-12-31 23:59:59]] ]] run get-type to Datetime
test type of literal No Value [[ [[no value]] ]] run get-type to NoValue

Will select:

"2015-01-01 0:00:00"
"2015-12-31 23:59:59"

Note that String constructor is selected because " and " are part of the String() concrete syntax, only Asdf is lexical syntax.

Currently there is no way to let the region selection favor Int("1") over "1". (And the behavior is different from old Spoofax.)

I tried parenthesis:

test type of Literal Int [[ [[(1)]] ]] run get-type to Int

But parenthesis are not supported in region selection yet: Could not resolve this selection.

N.B. Running get-type on "1", "1.4", "2015-01-01 0:00:00", and "2015-12-31 23:59:59" throws a stacktrace: Unexpected error: rewriting failed get_multiplicity_0_0 get_property_0_1 get_index_property_0_1 nabl_uris_0_0 has_annos_0_0

N.B. (2) This is a different issue than

Submitted by Daco Harkes on 12 January 2016 at 19:32

On 12 January 2016 at 19:37 Daco Harkes commented:

Note that the region selection in SPT does not support the ‘if fail then try parent’ logic which the hover builder does.

test type of Literal Int [[ [[1]] ]] run get-type-safe to Int
  get-type-safe: a -> <get-type>a
      not(is-string) //should obviously allow strings with annotations...

Results in: Unexpected error: rewriting failed get_type_safe_0_0

On 14 January 2016 at 15:47 Gabriël Konat removed tag @gohla

On 10 June 2016 at 13:50 Daco Harkes commented:

This issue is fixed.

On 10 June 2016 at 15:57 Gabriël Konat closed this issue.

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