Consider: ast2abox –help

-p file Use pretty-print table in file
-i f|–input f Read input from f
-o f|–output f Write output to f
-b Write binary output
-S|–silent Silent execution (same as –verbose 0)
–verbose i Verbosity level i (default 1)
( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
emergency, alert, critical, error,
warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
–keep i | -k i Keep intermediates (default 0)
-i f|–input f Read input from f
-o f|–output f Write output to f
-b Write binary output
-S|–silent Silent execution (same as –verbose 0)
–verbose i Verbosity level i (default 1)
( i as a number or as a verbosity descriptor:
emergency, alert, critical, error,
warning, notice, info, debug, vomit )
–keep i | -k i Keep intermediates (default 0)
-h|-?|–help Display usage information
–about Display information about this program
–version Same as –about


It repeats large parts of the options twice, and is missing a one-liner descripton. I suggest adding “pretty prints an abstract syntax tree to the box layout formalism.” or something to that effect.

Submitted on 15 July 2005 at 02:43

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