From stratego-users:

Hi, everybody.

I’m facing some problems while using the parser and the pretty-printer
from AspectJ-front. For instance, when I parse a pointcut expressions
such as:

   protected pointcut subjectChange(Subject subject) : (((execution(public int GeneralStatement.executeUpdate(..))) && (!within(SelectStatement))) || (call(protected List GeneralStatement.executeQueryWithCallback(..)))) && this(subject);

the pretty-printed code is as follows:

   protected pointcut subjectChange (Subject subject) :execution(public int GeneralStatement.executeUpdate(..)) && !within(SelectStatement) || call(protected List GeneralStatement.executeQueryWithCallback(..)) && this(subject);

As you can see, some surrounding round brackets are removed, what
results in inconsistent information binding. Other two examples are
shown below (the original aspects are attached).

Is anybody aware of a workaround for this? Is there a way to fix it
(e.g. keeping all round brackets in the pretty-printed version)?

Many thanks!

Fabiano Ferrari

Submitted by Rob Vermaas on 26 March 2010 at 11:46

On 26 March 2010 at 11:47 Rob Vermaas commented:

Fixed in r.20716

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