In attached file there are two functions: one creating an ArrayList and calling ArrayList.add, another one creating a String and calling String.split. When I run dryad-front like this:

dryad-front –tc on -i

and look for the ArrayList.add invocation in the output, it is not annotated at all, whereas the String.split call is annotated properly. Dryad-front also produces debug messages saying that “No applicable methods found for invocation” related to ArrayList.add.

I believe this has something to do with the fact that the example uses ArrayList in a non-generic way on generics-enabled JDK.

Submitted on 22 March 2006 at 17:57

On 23 March 2006 at 01:21 Jira commented:

DRY-234, martin:

Fixed by applying type erasure to the members of a raw type (a generic type used without type arguments). Support for raw types is still not complete, but the fix of this issue will solve most of the problems :) .

Thanks for reporting, and for including a small test. If you find more problems (and you probably will :o ), then please submit! :)

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