Epispin does not correctly detect xr/xs channels that are not used exclusively by the processes.

mtype = {aap, noot, mies, wim, zus};

chan s11 = [1] of {mtype}; // sending and receiving to/from yourself

chan s12 = [1] of {mtype}; // sending s1 to/from s2

active proctype f1() {
byte ff1 = aap;
xr s11;
xr s12;

active proctype f2() {
byte ff2 = noot;
xr s12;

skip; ;

Submitted by Kees Pronk on 28 August 2011 at 14:14

On 20 September 2011 at 15:19 Bob de Vos tagged errormessage

On 4 October 2011 at 14:24 Bob de Vos tagged fixed1.0.3

On 4 October 2011 at 15:05 Bob de Vos commented:

Fixed, although I made it somewhat stricter than the SPIN syntax checker. With SPIN, the following is allowed:

 active proctype f1(){
   xr s11;
   xr s11;

whereas this double exclusive statement will not be allowed in EpiSpin.

On 17 October 2011 at 22:41 Bob de Vos closed this issue.

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