Savegame size - LoY Android
Could you investigate your saving system for Android ?
After several hours of play (with before last version) I found in Android App Management menu that LoY had 11mo of data. I cleaned these data so it erased my saves (just one actually, a lvl8 archer) and parameters as expected.
That really big but wouldn’t be a problem if saves were recorded on SD and not on phone’s memory.
FYI, restarting with a new character (Fighter) and reaching lvl2 and 2nd floor of the first cave, my data is roughly 600ko with 1.0.406
Submitted on 10 May 2011 at 18:51
Issue Log
Not sure whats causing that report but the saves games are less than 2k as it stands. I’ll definitely investigate and find out what it is - not sure what that data includes, temporary files too?
Incidently, you can install the game to the SD now, not sure if that’d help.
Yep, seems like installing to the SD would resolve this. However, I’m a little confused whats causing the size. It looks like Android expands resources from the APK before running and this accounts for the usage.
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