I have been playing as an archer and am lvl 23. On occasion, usually if i open a door and get attacked immediately, my character will move in the last direction inputed on the arrow keys. If i am fast enough to counter attack, it cancels the movement. Also, i do have movement locked to the arrow keys. Playing latest version on iphone 3gs. Thank you for the FANTASTIC game and ALL the updates!!

Submitted on 5 July 2011 at 00:20

On 11 July 2011 at 00:52 Brent McNeil commented:

I have had this as well on all my characters, rather infrequently. It’s similar to the bug that used to happen with portals, it just continuously replicates the last input. Can’t think of any common trigger though, but it only happened while enemies were on screen as best as I can recall. Having given that some thought, it might have something to do with the projectile timers, and since those have been recently changed i’ll keep an eye out on if this problem is gone now.

Also on the topic of projectile timers, it seems that if something is shooting at you, the dialogue for going up and down stairs won’t pop-up. This has only started after the recent change to timing.

On 19 July 2011 at 17:18 Kevin Glass commented:

Still haven’t been able to reproduce the issues here.

On 19 July 2011 at 22:51 Zan Galindo commented:

Have not had this issue come up in a while now, Actually since i posted the error …Im still not sure what triggered it, but maybe you inadvertently got it? Thanks again for your attention!

On 5 August 2011 at 10:14 Kevin Glass closed this issue.

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