I know a lot of mage types are going to hate me for bringing this up. But in it’s current state, even at low levels invisibility is way over powered. I’m thinking it needs a similar fix as to what stealth got, it should cancel if you try to skip time. Or at the very least of not that, then it should be reduced in the number of turns it lasts. I can’t imagine how easy it is going to make playing a mage at higher levels being able to recharge the entire cost of the spell in one skip then use the other 9 turns to gain free benefit. as it is now even though it takes 2-3 turns to regain that lost charge, it still completely trivializes everything. Another possible fix is to give it like a 30% chance of wearing off every turn that passes. Or possibly the enemies could have that chance per turn of noticing you again, individually, though that would be a lot tougher to implement.

Submitted on 11 July 2011 at 02:39

On 19 July 2011 at 17:15 Kevin Glass closed this issue.

On 19 July 2011 at 17:15 Kevin Glass commented:

Noted, while invisible you shouldn’t be able to gain charge.


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