When using the following NaBL directive
SyntaxDecl(_): defines Attr “syntax”

I get the following error message during compilation:

[java] ** Error in definition nabl-def-site:
[java] variable ‘c-uri1__’ used, but not bound
[java] ** Error in definition nabl-def-site:
[java] variable ‘s-uri1__’ used, but not bound
[java] [ Main | error ] Compilation failed (3.91 secs)

with the following generated code from NaBL:

nabl-get-name :
SyntaxDecl(_) -> “syntax”

nabl-name-apply(s) =

nabl-def-site(child-uris__, sibl-uris__, implicits__|lang__, ctx__, uniques__, uri__, states__) =
; origin-track-forced(SyntaxDecl(id)|)
; match(child-uris__|c-uri1__)
; match(sibl-uris__|s-uri1__)
; match(implicits__|[])

Submitted on 1 September 2014 at 13:27

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