To get the desugared ast in the custom analysis unit hook, you have to manually desugar again.
This is ineffecient, and also creates new terms, which are not identical to the terms created during the first desugaring.

   nabl2-custom-analysis-unit-hook: (resource, ast, customInitialResult) -> customUnitResult
       ast' := <desugar-before-analysis>ast;
       customUnitResult := (resource, ast')

Spoofax version:

Eclipse: org.eclipse.platform.ide 4.6.2.M20161124-1400
Spoofax: org.metaborg.spoofax.eclipse
System: Mac OS X x86_64 10.12.2
Submitted by Daco Harkes on 18 January 2017 at 19:23

On 19 January 2017 at 03:00 Hendrik van Antwerpen commented:

Thia is fixed in the patch for issue 26, so I’m closing this issue as well.

On 19 January 2017 at 03:00 Hendrik van Antwerpen closed this issue.

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