Test failures in editor do not update
During the compiler construction course test failures are given in SPT files with a red squigly. But sometimes these don’t update after a language update, which is visible when you run the tests with the menu option and get a separate window.
Submitted by Jeff Smits on 6 October 2017 at 14:59
Issue Log
Are you sure analysis is triggered on those files? Does it update if you change the file and save? SPT simply uses the standard analysis approach that any Spoofax language uses and uses the same backend to run tests as the menu option, so the test results can not be different either.
Maybe because of this:
Improvement: do not reanalyze already analyzed files when opening an editor.
(ask Hendrik)
Sometimes they don’t update? Can you provide a reproducible case?
As far as I know they should never update after the language is reloaded, even in 2.2.1, because reloading a language only triggers re-analysis of open editors of the reloaded language, and SPT != the reloaded language. It would be good to have this to work, but don’t count on it any time soon.
Yup, the issue is that the editor doesn’t re-analyses when the subject language is re-loaded. When I change the file and save, it updates.
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