Warnings: Trying to create dialect _ that already exists
After every compile (maybe it’s the project refresh) I get the following warnings:
12:55 | WARN | o.m.s.c.l.d.DialectProcessor - Trying to create dialect Stratego-Box that already exists, from eclipse:///Relations/lib/Stratego-Box.tbl 12:55 | WARN | o.m.s.c.l.d.DialectProcessor - Trying to create dialect Stratego-Java-15 that already exists, from eclipse:///Relations/lib/Stratego-Java-15.tbl 12:55 | WARN | o.m.s.c.l.d.DialectProcessor - Trying to create dialect StrategoWebDSL that already exists, from eclipse:///Relations/lib/StrategoWebDSL.tbl
These are 3
Submitted by Daco Harkes on 6 January 2016 at 13:04.tbl
files in/lib
Issue Log
On 6 January 2016 at 16:48 Gabriël Konat tagged improvement
On 6 January 2016 at 16:48 Gabriël Konat commented:
On 6 January 2016 at 16:48 Gabriël Konat closed this issue.
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