I was working on WebDSL editor and there the wildcard import lib/- was replaced by the actual str files in the folder. However there are errors of undefined constructors. The case is that they are in libwebdsl-front which is an rtree file in the lib folder.

Is is that the editor includes also rtree files? It is understandable if it would be the case, but it is not clear what behavior is of importing rtree files
or is it that the wildcard import is a bit strange?

Submitted by chris melman on 15 March 2013 at 11:30

On 15 March 2013 at 11:35 Gabriël Konat tagged stratego

On 15 March 2013 at 11:37 Gabriël Konat commented:

Do the declarations from the rtree file show up if you import the rtree itself? If so, the wildcard import may not take into account .rtree files.

On 15 March 2013 at 14:51 chris melman commented:

lib/libwebdsl-front is doing the same as just libwebdsl-front import.

so we can import rtree files not sure if this is wanted behavior/syntax

On 18 March 2013 at 01:34 Guido Wachsmuth commented:

Ok, I think there are several questions/issues here.

  1. It does not matter if you import lib/foo or just foo. I think that is fine.
  2. An explicit import can import rtree files, which I think is intended and completely fine.
  3. Wildcard imports do not include rtree files. Here, it is not clear if it is a bug (someone forgot them), or a feature (situations where including all rtree files might be undesired).

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