In the following code:

  nabl-disambiguation-def(|ctx__, ctx-terms__, ctx-string__) =
    ; where("disamb0" := ctx-string__)
    ; where([at*, cp, ct, a*] := ctx-terms__)
    ; ((((acc := <new-task(|ctx__, [])> Id(
                                          <get-or-create-property-task(|ctx__, NablProp_access())> m
          ; {prev__:
              ; pt* := <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Id(
                                                      <get-or-create-property-task(|ctx__, NablProp_parameter-types())> m
         ; {prev__:
             ; mt := <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> SubURI(NablNsType(), m)
        ; {prev__:
            ; mp := <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> SubURI(NablNsPackage(), m)
       ; {prev__:
           ; {l__, r__:
               where({l__, r__:
                       where({l__, r__:
                               where({l__, r__:
                                       where(<new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(Public(), acc)
                                             ; ?l__)
                                       ; where((<new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(Private(), acc)
                                                ; {prev__:
                                                    ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(ct, mt)
                                               ; ?r__)
                                       ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Choice([l__, r__])
                                     ; ?l__)
                               ; where((<new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(Default(), acc)
                                        ; {prev__:
                                            ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(cp, mp)
                                       ; ?r__)
                               ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Choice([l__, r__])
                             ; ?l__)
                       ; where((<new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(Protected(), acc)
                                ; {prev__:
                                    ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(cp, mp)
                               ; ?r__)
                       ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Choice([l__, r__])
                     ; ?l__)
               ; where((<new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Eq(Protected(), acc)
                        ; {prev__:
                            ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> RelationMatch("<extends:", ct, mt)
                       ; ?r__)
               ; <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> Choice([l__, r__])
    ; !( m
       , <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> RelationDistance("<widens:", at*, pt*)

The editor does not produce an error for the last reference to prev__ (in <new-task(|ctx__, [prev__])> RelationDistance("<widens:", at*, pt*)), but the compiler (correctly) does:

    [java] ** Error in definition nabl-disambiguation-def:
    [java]    variable 'prev__' used, but not bound
    [java] [ Main | error ] Compilation failed (3.28 secs)
Submitted by Gabriël Konat on 21 March 2014 at 09:46

On 21 March 2014 at 09:46 Gabriël Konat tagged error

On 21 March 2014 at 09:46 Gabriël Konat tagged stratego

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