Spoofax v1.3 build times slower than v1.2
I noticed that build times are slower with Spoofax 1.3 stable (29s) than 1.2 stable (23s). This is a small project, and did multiple builds to verify, each waiting till analysis was finished.
1.2 build log: http://pastebin.com/3BrdTuLW
1.3 build log: http://pastebin.com/WNh2nuKzDid anyone else notice a slowdown?
Is there a reason for the slowdown? @Eduardo, @Gohla
Submitted by Daco Harkes on 19 November 2014 at 14:09
Issue Log
More complex SDF3 analysis.
Maven also builds stuff extra in the end that is not sdf3 right? compile-java-files, stratego.jar.makejar, java.jar
Or are those new messages just stuff that already happened but whas not printed in the buildlog before?
It builds the same things, just that the build is more modular (a few more targets) to allow for proper command-line builds.
This is a starting point for what we were discussing about the on-save handler. If I have time, I will work on that tomorrow morning.
I think I was doing something similar when I was trying to generate the pp and signature libraries.
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