Support inline view of programming assignments
It looks like we can enable this view without too much hassle. We need to adapt the (allowed) layouts of the programming assignments, update the button (texts), test the consoles, check for js code to be only included/run once, and having unique IDs for each element in a programming assignment.
Reported by Taico on MM:
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 8 December 2022 at 09:21I see it is now possible to create sort of inline programming assignments (see screenshot), which I think is a great feature addition. I’m trying to create a little bit of a Jupyter notebook view on Weblab, where there is piece of text, followed by a bit of programming, then text again, and so on. I think this would fit in the weblab model quite well, but a little bit of work is left to make it work well:
- Actually fix the layout/styling of the programming assignment in inline display to default to stacked display, and fix the fact that the description is not displayed.
- Let the button for fullscreen actually make the editor full screen (currently keeps the small size of the editor in this view).
- (optionally) Make a “question” type that is only text, such that we can add multiple text blocks between assignments (I now cheat by making a MC one without options)
I think that with only these additional steps weblab offers a very good support for such a format without having to significantly changing any aspect of WebLab.
Issue Log
- How to deal with keyboard shortcuts?
- Responsive design (stacked vs side-by-side) of editor + facilities
- Full screen support?
- Limit backend load to 1 execution at a time?
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