Grading mode: Add back button and/or change default sorting of filtered submissions
The UI is currently unclear on how you can navigate to “previously graded submission”.
It’s available using a keyboard shortcut ← or through the history log modal.Idea:
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 5 October 2023 at 20:12
- Add sorting as “filter” option
- In grading mode, apply “grading order” as the active sort option
- now the submissions prev/next controls (around the dropup) reflect the actual order one has during grading, which makes browsing back/forth more intuitive
- downside: you cannot scroll to some given submission using grading key in the dropup.
- however, you can use the search filter of the drop up, which is what most will probably do
Issue Log
On 5 October 2023 at 20:12 Elmer van Chastelet tagged 1.35.0
On 25 October 2023 at 13:37 Elmer van Chastelet closed this issue.
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