Support enrolling missing students in exam participants list/when printing key forms
In current version of WebLab you need to manually remove any unmatched student id in order to print exam key forms, or when configuring a participants list. Moreover, you won’t get printed key forms for the ones that are missing.
This can be solved by adding an action to force-enroll missing students. In case a missing student has a matching WebLab account, it will be enrolled for the course, for credit. The student still needs to accept the course rules.
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 25 October 2023 at 13:51
If no WebLab account can be matched, a placeholder WebLab account will be created, and be enrolled for the course. When the owner of the missing student id logs in, the placeholder account will updated with information from SSO, and is then owned by the student.