Publish assignment to limited set of students
With restricted list from exam ticket access, an assignment would still be a linked in the folder overview, and its description would also be available to those who are not on the restricted access list.
Maybe we can unlink the “Participants List” feature from the exam tickets. And when the participants list feature is used, only allow the included participants to access the assignment, i.e. do not render links to the assignment for excluded participants. We might also want to reconsider the name “Participants List”.From Frank on MM:
Feature request: make it possible to publish an assignment to a limited set of people. I sometimes have exams that are only done by a subset of the students in the course, but I have to publish them for everyone in the course. (I can still limit access to the exam using exam tickets, but the mere existence of that exam already raises questions with students.)
And Yoshi:
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 30 January 2024 at 08:18Same thing would be useful for repair assignments, we’re also (ab)using the ticket system for AA for now