Add Assessment Metrics (rir, p, std, cronbach's alpha)
Aside from the grade distrbution charts, the new Result Analysis section will have a sub-section for Assessment Metrics.
This will show an overview of all items within a folder and its subfolders that contribute to the grade.Assessment metrics
The overview shows:
- flattened weight for each item (= its effective weight on the “total” folder context)
- for each item:
- rir value
- p-value
- mean-score
- std
- Cronbach’s alpha (for context folder), and delta Cronbach’s alpha for each item
Furthermore, it highlights values when they need attention and shows hints what might be causing problematic values.
p-value distribution
A second section shows 2 graphs to llustrate the distribution of items per difficulty level (range of p-value) with examples of well and poorly balanced tests.
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 16 July 2024 at 14:18