Somewhat related to:
From discussion on MM:

From how I understood it. Managers can use Grade all to grade things while graders can only grade things they were assigned to. Is this correct? Because in that case the manager override does not work properly. I have a TA that has manager rights in general but I removed it for the exam folder yet they can still grade all questions regardless of if they are assigned as grader or not


“Grade all” is not a managers-only privilege. Graders can also toggle between all, or only their assigned submissions for grading.


Ah oke, I think that should probably change
So that TAs can only grade things they are assigned to


I guess it depends :)
I remember cases where graders were assigned, and (a subset of) graders were finished, they could just continue grading, picking submissions from others.


There has been more discussion recently about limiting the access of TAs to grades much more than it is now. Including the ability to even see grades.


Can I translate this to the following FR:
“Add option to control if graders may grade any submission other than assigned ones (with default set to allowed = current behavior)”

Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 7 November 2024 at 11:47

On 9 December 2024 at 11:51 Elmer van Chastelet tagged 1.46.0

On 9 December 2024 at 11:51 Elmer van Chastelet removed tag 1.44.1

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