Recursive group assignments
In the current setup, each individual assignment can have its own rules for groups and rules from assignment collections do not propagate to their assignments. This has two consequences:
Submitted by Guido Wachsmuth on 14 February 2014 at 16:16
- Groups for assignment collections are basically meaningless. It’s sufficient to set group rules at the leaves and you need to do this for each leaf.
- Students need to form groups for each leaf assignment. Even if a collection has rules for groups and the students form a group for the collection, they need to form another group for each assignment in the collection.
Issue Log
In the report of the project in which this feature is implemented, it states that there is a special ‘group-assignment-collection’ in which you should be able to create groups for all assignment under this assignment-collection. Somehow, this feature is not exposed to the course lecturer/manager.
I found a way how you can create groups and keep them for sub assignments in the current implementation. However, it requires to add the assignments after the groups are created in the assignment collection. Not sure if this will work out fine in practice
You need to:
- Create an assignment collection
- Make it a group assignment in the edit form (via action menu), here you can pre-create X empty groups with names
Group n
(or fill them automatically by randomly assigning members- Ask the students to form groups
- Add assignments to the assignment collection. The newly added assignments will have the groups of the parent assignment collection.
I’ll postpone this issue for now, as it requires more work to improve group management.
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