Import student data for cohorts using CSV
Using a csv-file, all students belonging to a cohort can be entered or updated in WebLab. For each student, a WebLab account should be created when it’s not created yet. The students should be added to the Cohort and enrolled into the courses associated to the education cohort. Student entities should also hold information about BSA, SKC and math-b grade.
Current proposed csv-format:Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 12 October 2016 at 10:141. Cohort TUD 2. Cohort opleiding 3. BSA 4. Mentorgroep 5. Studienummer 6. Netid 7. Achternaam 8. Tussenvoegsel 9. Voornaam 10. Wiskunde B cijfer 11. SKC 12. Gestopt 13. Geslacht