Some students like to use java assertions. Currently the compiler has this option disabled.

Sven van der Voort

It just doesn’t fail on statements that return false. “assert” is a Java keyword and shouldn’t require any import. It does however require a custom compiler option.

Elmer van Chastelet

Ah, that compiler option isn’t enabled then. I can try enabling it in next release. But I’m not sure if there will be a new version of the java backend soon, as this would currently be the only pending change

Taico Aerts

(Do note that some libraries also include assert statements and that performance could degrade slightly)

Elmer van Chastelet

Needs some analysis and/or “testing in production” to see if this is troublesome

Stefan Hugtenburg

How about enabling it for “your test” but not for the “spec tests”?
Or rather: as a teacher I would not like this to be enabled for the spec tests Spec tests should only fail based on conditions I apply, not on additional (incorrect?) constraints students place on their own submission imho

Elmer van Chastelet

How about enabling it for “your test” but not for the “spec tests”?

sounds good

Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 28 January 2020 at 11:41

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