I am new hand on Spoofax,and I am confused about the project Spoofax and Spoofax-imp. Q1:Would you please tell me the architecture of these project and how it works from the input stream to output. Q2:I use the ; operator to combine two strategies but only the first excuted.The two strategies are all used to generate files from one source file. Q3:In the Spoofax on Eclipse,the example shows how to generate java entity.but it generate three entities in a single file.I want to generate the java entities into different file,which means one java entity per file,what should I do?

Asked by ZJG on 19 March 2013 at 04:05

Please post only single questions. I split your questions as follows:

  1. The first part of Q1 is a duplicate of question 10.
  2. The second part of Q1 is answered as a separate question 14
  3. Q2 is answered as a separate question 12
  4. Q3 is answered as a separate question 13
Answered by Guido Wachsmuth on 19 March 2013 at 05:22