How can one revert to a previous build of the unstable release? I need to do this because I updated to a version that appears to be broken (s41649, see ). I tried displaying Installation History in Eclipse, selecting a previous date, and clicking Revert, but Eclipse reported: “An error occurred while collecting items to be installed … No repository found containing: …” followed by a long list of items.

Asked by Peter Mosses on 11 June 2014 at 16:30

A list of Spoofax builds can be found here:

Then click on a jobset (you will get on a page like

The BuildID is the number next to ‘build’.

The update site url for each build is (replace the number with the BuildID)

Answered by Daco Harkes on 11 June 2014 at 16:56

The release name is the numbering of Spoofax used.

Answered by Daco Harkes on 11 June 2014 at 16:59