Is it possible to parameterize a rule or strategy with a constructor name in Stratego?

I often end up writing a pattern similar to the example below and was wondering whether there is a cleaner way to avoid the duplication:

combine-property-assignment(|name) :
   plist -> [p | rest]
   where (list, rest) := <partition(?PropertyAssignment(name,String(<id>)))> plist
       ; p := PropertyAssignment(name, String(<concat-strings> list))

combine-attribute(|name) :
  plist -> [p | rest]
  where (list, rest) := <partition(?Attribute(name,String(<id>)))> plist
      ; p := Attribute(name, String(<concat-strings> list))
Asked by Danny Groenewegen on 29 September 2014 at 20:50