The project-path is not consistent between normal language files and SPT files.

normal language file: C:\Users\Daco\workspace20160111\relations.debug (fully qualified)
SPT file: /relations.debug (relative to Eclipse workspace)

This causes builders that use the project-path to fail.

Submitted by Daco Harkes on 12 January 2016 at 10:22

On 12 January 2016 at 10:45 Gabriël Konat tagged error

On 12 January 2016 at 10:45 Gabriël Konat removed tag @gohla

On 14 January 2016 at 15:54 Daco Harkes commented:

Can we add a primitive prim("full_project_path") as a workaround in the mean time? This wont break all existing (meta) languages.

On 14 January 2016 at 17:23 Daco Harkes commented:

There is already a <project-path> primitive, this is a good workaround.

generate-java: (selected, position, ast, path, project-path-wrong) -> result
    project-path := <project-path>;
    // ...

Make sure that all file interactions use fully qualified paths: <fopen>(fileName, "w") requires fileName to be fully qualified. (The language plugin, non-SPT, will also allow fopen with paths relative to the project-path, but SPT does not support this.)

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