STR-115: dr-label-scope assumes RuleScope. No label support in changesets
Labeling of the current scope cannot be stored in changesets. The dr-label-scope strategy assumes that the head of the list is a RuleScope. The problem is illustrated by the following program:
module foo
imports dynamic-rules-refactored
strategiesmain =
{| Foo :
dr-get-rule-set(|“Foo”); debug(!"a —– ")
; rules(Foo+1 : 2 -> 3)
; dr-get-rule-set(|“Foo”); debug(!"b —– "); dr-start-change-set(|"Foo") ; dr-get-rule-set(|"Foo"); debug(!"c ----- ") ; rules(Foo+4 : 5 -> 6) ; dr-get-rule-set(|"Foo"); debug(!"d ----- ") |}
Submitted on 14 June 2004 at 01:18
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