STR-491: gcc is assumed to exist in $PATH
‘make check’ runs for quite a while but then tries:
[ strc | warning ] program uses obsolete strategy printnl: use fprintnl
[ strc | info ] Compiling ‘test07.str’
[ pack-stratego | notice ] include path:
[ pack-stratego | notice ] including ./test07.str
[ parse-stratego | notice ] Parsing file ./test07.str
[ parse-stratego | notice ] Using syntax Stratego
[ parse-stratego | notice ] Using parse table: /opt/strategoxt/share/sdf/stratego-front/Stratego.tbl
[ pack-stratego | notice ] including /opt/strategoxt/share/stratego-lib/libstrategolib.rtree
[ strc | info ] Front-end succeeded : [user/system] = [3.02s/0.43s]
[ strc | info ] Optimization succeeded -O 2 : [user/system] = [0.16s/0.05s]
[ strc | info ] Back-end succeeded : [user/system] = [0.32s/0.11s]
[ strc | notice ] Compiling C code
[ strc | notice ] Command: gcc -I /opt/strategoxt/include -I /opt/strategoxt/include -I /opt/aterm/include -c test07.c -o test07.o
SSL/execvp: Cannot execute file gcc: No such file or directory…
(the problem is that gcc is not on the path. I assume the desired behaviour is for stratego to always be fork the C compiler it was configure’d with?)
Submitted on 17 December 2005 at 16:18
Issue Log
STR-491, duraid:
I forgot to mention that this actually prohibits strc building any standalone executables unless gcc is in the path.
STR-491, martin:
Good idea, we can fix this by registering the CC variable in the XTC repository and replace the invocation of gcc by “cc”
STR-491, duraid:
Strictly speaking this issue is fixed, but there’s one last little step I think; I now see:[ strc | vomit ] Found cc at /opt/gcc403/bin/gcc
[ strc | notice ] Command: /opt/gcc403/bin/gcc -I /opt/strategoxtbase/include -I /opt/strategoxtbase/include -I /opt/aterm/include -c hmm.c -o hmm.o
[ strc | notice ] Linking object code
[ strc | vomit ] Loading repository
[ strc | vomit ] Loaded repository
[ strc | vomit ] Found libtool at /opt/strategoxtbase/libexec/strc-core/libtool
[ strc | notice ] Command: /opt/strategoxtbase/libexec/strc-core/libtool –mode=link gcc hmm.o -o hmm /opt/strategoxtbase/lib/ /opt/strategoxtbase/lib/ /opt/aterm/lib/ -lm
libtool: link: unable to infer tagged configuration
libtool: link: specify a tag with `–tag’
[ strc | error ] Compilation failed (5.34 secs)It’s still trying ‘gcc’ and not ‘/opt/gcc403/bin/gcc’ in this case - fixing that should make it figure out the tag. (cc?)
STR-491, martin:
Ah, thanks for the log. I forgot to update the libtool invocation!This should be fixed in revision 13942.
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