STR-675: format-check: support more complex tree patterns in the right-hand sides
Currently, the implementation assumes that there is only a single constructor application in the right-hand side. This will become a problem a we start supporting more flexible ast attributes. Also, it is not really clean to support only a simplified from of the rtg language.
Submitted on 21 December 2006 at 22:32
Issue Log
On 3 January 2007 at 21:34 Jira commented:
STR-675, martin:
Example:$ cat nested.rtg
regular tree grammar
start A
A -> a(B, b(C), c(d()))
B -> c(e())
C -> foo()$ rtg2dfta -i nested.rtg -o nested.dfta
$ echo “a(c(e()), b(foo()), c(d()))” | ./rtg-format-check –dfta nested.dfta
$ echo “A(c(e()), b(foo()), c(d()))” | ./rtg-format-check –dfta nested.dfta
error: cannot type A(c(e),b(foo),c(d))
inferred types of subterms:
typed c(e) as B
typed b(foo) as b(C)
typed c(d) as c(d())
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