- Sugar.sdf: Extend Stratego with an equal operator (a bit ambiguous, don’t care in this case)
- suger-test.str: A sample of program which use the previous grammar to exetend Stratego
- sugar-test.meta: Just call the previous grammar.

This test was used to test the possibility to add a very small useless sugar in Stratego which can be plug-in strc.

> parse-stratego -i sugar-test.str | pp-aterm

, SDefNoArgs(
, Seq(
, [Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”))), Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”)))]
, Cong(
, [Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”))), Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”)))]

> parse-stratego -i sugar-test.str | pp-stratego -a | parse-stratego | pp-aterm

, SDefNoArgs(
, Seq(
, [Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”))), Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”)))]
, Call(
, [Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”))), Build(NoAnnoList(Int(“1”)))]

So, at this time it is possible to do it by parse one time and print it before trying to compile the file.
It’s a small test and it can’t handle all sugar of Stratego.

Submitted on 22 January 2007 at 11:54

On 22 January 2007 at 13:27 Jira commented:

STR-692, pierron:
In the grammar the Build operator can be removed by replaceing the following rules in the grammar:

     StrategoTerm            -> SBuild {cons("Build")}
     SBuild                  -> S {cons("FromTerm")}

So it is possible to write something like that:

main = eq(!1, !1); 1 == 1

The idea of sdf-astgen (transformers-generic-tools) can may be plug-in the stratego concrete syntax to handle a good transformation without having to hack the system.

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