Application of rejected rule in parse tree
I’m using the parser contained in strategoxt.jar to parse some input. I use an own implementation of the ITreeBuilder interface to do some work on the parse tree created by the parser. In this parse tree the inner nodes represent applications of rules (or the occurence of ambuiguities) and the leafs represent recognized characters or the applications of epsilon rules.
I configured the default disambiguator as followed:
sglr.getDisambiguator().setFilterCycles(true); sglr.getDisambiguator().setFilterAny(true); sglr.getDisambiguator().setHeuristicFilters(false); sglr.getDisambiguator().setAmbiguityIsError(false);
With this configuration I expected that the parse forest would not contain a node which represents a rejected rule. But it does, if I try to parse the input
with the following grammar:Submitted on 21 November 2012 at 17:11module Test exports sorts Keyword Expression Identifier BigIdentifier SmallIdentifier lexical start-symbols Expression lexical syntax "V" -> Keyword Identifier "(" ")" -> Expression BigIdentifier -> Identifier SmallIdentifier -> Identifier [A-Z\_\$\255][A-Za-z0-9\_\$\255\254]* -> BigIdentifier Keyword -> BigIdentifier {reject} [a-z][A-Za-z0-9\_\$\255\254]* -> SmallIdentifier Keyword -> SmallIdentifier {reject} lexical restrictions BigIdentifier -/- [a-zA-Z0-9\_\$\255\254] SmallIdentifier -/- [a-zA-Z0-9\_\$\255\254]
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