Double quote in string interpolation results in compilation error
When using a double quote in a string interpolation in a TS rule, I get a compilation error.
type rules Not(exp) : TypeRef("Bool", 0, []) where "xx" == "yy" else error $[Type must be "Bool"!] on exp // <-- Double quotes
This results in this (incorrect) Stratego code:
create-type-task(|ctx) : Not(exp) -> <task-create-id(|ctx,[x1621])> x1621 where eq28 := <type-match(|ctx, "yy")> "xx"; <task-create-error-on-failure(|ctx, eq28, ["Type must be "Bool"!"])> exp; // <-- Compiler error x1621 := <type-is(|ctx); task-create-id(|ctx, [eq28])> TypeRef("Bool", 0, [])
Note how the double quotes are not escaped. TS should not parse the string if double quotes must be escaped, or (preferably) TS should escape the double quotes when generating Stratego code.
A workaround is to put a backslash before each double quote:
Submitted by D. Pelsmaeker on 17 September 2014 at 13:58else error $[Type must be \"Bool\"!] on exp
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