TS: variable names which are Stratego keywords
In TS using Stratego keywords as variable names will generate invalid Stratego code.
NavigateIn(prev, nav, in, EntityType(rel-ty)) : rel-ty where prev : prev-ty and in : in-ty and prev-ty == in-ty else error "The inRole is of the wrong type." on in
create-type-task(|ctx) : NavigateIn(prev, nav, in, EntityType(rel-ty)) -> <task-create-id(|ctx, [prev-ty, in-ty, eq3565])> rel-ty where prev-ty := <type-task(|ctx)> prev; in-ty := <type-task(|ctx)> in; eq3565 := <type-match(|ctx, in-ty)> prev-ty; <task-create-error-on-failure(|ctx, eq3565, "The inRole is of the wrong type.")> in
Suggested fixes: prefix TS variable names during generation or give an error in TS.
Submitted by Daco Harkes on 13 March 2014 at 08:59
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