In r73 of we get the following compile failure:

/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/build.xml:57: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds  
Compiling 12 source files to /home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/bin/WEB-INF/classes  
/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/src-generated/exampleapp/domain/ illegal start of expression  
      return (java.util.List) >= 0 && _activePlayer < _hands.size() ? _hands.get(_activePlayer) : null).setupForPropertyEvents(hibSession, out).getStones(), java.util.List.class);  
/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/src-generated/exampleapp/domain/ ';' expected  
      return (java.util.List) >= 0 && _activePlayer < _hands.size() ? _hands.get(_activePlayer) : null).setupForPropertyEvents(hibSession, out).getStones(), java.util.List.class);  
/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/src-generated/exampleapp/domain/ illegal start of expression  
      return (java.util.List) >= 0 && _activePlayer < _hands.size() ? _hands.get(_activePlayer) : null).setupForPropertyEvents(hibSession, out).getStones(), java.util.List.class);  
3 errors

Btw, the generated code looks a bit odd to us, in particular the : null in the ?: construct is asking for a NPE at some point.

Further inspection shows that the following fragment is responsible for the death and despair below:

function getSelectorChoices() : List<Choice> {
            // type of v is List<DominoesStone>, with DominoesStone being a subclass of Choice
	var v := hands[activePlayer].stones;
	var w := v as List<Choice>;
	return v;
/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/src-generated/exampleapp/domain/ illegal start of expression  
      java.util.List Dominoes_w0 = (java.util.List), java.util.List.class);  
/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/src-generated/exampleapp/domain/ ';' expected  
      java.util.List Dominoes_w0 = (java.util.List), java.util.List.class);  
/home/sverre/TUDelft/MDSD/Gamestile/.servletapp/src-generated/exampleapp/domain/ illegal start of expression  
      java.util.List Dominoes_w0 = (java.util.List), java.util.List.class);  
Submitted by Sverre Rabbelier on 23 March 2010 at 20:32

On 23 March 2010 at 20:44 Sverre Rabbelier commented:


function getSelectorChoices() : List<Choice> {
	var v := hands[activePlayer].stones;
	var w : List<Choice>;
	return w;

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