Extracting dojo.tar.gz takes a long time
When an application is deployed it will extract Dojo which is only used for the calendar. This causes extreme delays, at least on slower Windows systems. Perhaps use the google hosted Dojo but then you always need internet connection.
Submitted by Danny Groenewegen on 11 February 2010 at 15:12
Issue Log
Use the
ant command (drag build.xml to Ant view) to only build the WebDSL code but not copy the project resources to the deployed directory.eclipse-build
is the task for a full build, which is the default target for ‘Build project’.
Perhaps an option is to create a dojo layer containing the things you need… this way dojo is compressed to a single .js file containing everything
See: http://docs.dojocampus.org/build/index
That only leaves the css, but the css for the datepicker should be easily extractable
switched to JQuery datepicker
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