overlapping class files on case-insensitive file systems:

define page classificationsummary(bib : Bibliography){}
define classificationSummary(){}

combined with access control this causes

genactionpredicate_classificationsummary__0_.java:14: class genactionpredicate_classificationSummary__0_ is public, should be declared in a file named    

Besides this particular bug, the partial Java class merger should check whether it is overwriting a file with different casing to detect this situation as early as possible.

Submitted by Danny Groenewegen on 30 June 2010 at 16:48

On 9 July 2010 at 14:10 Nathan Bruning commented:

This has been fixed in r4057.

The Java class merger cannot observe these bugs, as it merges only one or two classes a time (“local emit”).

In r4059 I’ve added a check in write-files that bails out if a file is written to multiple times, or when two files are being written with the same case-insensitive name.

On 9 July 2010 at 14:10 Nathan Bruning closed this issue.

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