Outdated server meta data breaks all WebDSL projects on plugin update
Whenever I update the WebDSL plugin (using the Eclipse update manager), the server meta data gets outdated and still refers back to a tomcat installation in the no longer existing plugin dir of the old plugin. This meta data is (at least) stored in the following workspace directory:
It might also get stored in other locations, but on my machine this is currently the only place.
Submitted by Sander Vermolen on 1 December 2010 at 14:30
Issue Log
On 31 January 2011 at 19:16 Danny Groenewegen tagged 1.2.7
On 1 February 2011 at 13:47 Danny Groenewegen closed this issue.
On 1 February 2011 at 13:47 Danny Groenewegen commented:
The wizard will now create a new tomcat configuration instead of trying to reuse the old one. Existing projects still require running the convert wizard to switch to a newer plugin version.
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