Currently, the JDBC driver that is being used is hardcoded in the template configuration files, e.g.:


Preferably, this should be configurable as well for the following reasons:

  • You can specify another JDBC driver for a different database type, e.g. PostgreSQL
  • You can configure WebDSL to use the MySQL replication driver (com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver), so that the MySQL database can be clustered and read from slaves. For this, also the JDBC option parameters must be configurable, e.g.:


the latter GET parameter roundRobinLoadBalance=true is required to enable round robin read from slaves

Submitted by Sander van der Burg on 15 July 2011 at 14:51

On 18 July 2011 at 12:33 Sander van der Burg closed this issue.

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