I’ve managed to build the Java version of the WebDSL compiler on Ubuntu Linux 12.04. These are the steps that I took. Perhaps they should find a place on webdsl.org site.

Building the C version works as well, but make install fails.

This was done on virgin installation of Ubuntu 12.04 (32-bit in VirtualBox VM).

  1. Install necessary packages:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential automake libtool pkg-config curl default-jdk ecj ant

  2. Download & install latest (0.16) Nix source distribution from here.

    tar -xf nix-0.16.tar.gz

    cd nix-0.16

    ./configure && make

    sudo make install

  3. Set-up Nix for multi-user environment:

    sudo chmod -R a+rw /nix/store /nix/var

    sudo echo ‘/usr/local/etc/profile.d/nix.sh’ >> /etc/profile

    source /etc/profile

  4. Add required Nix channels:

    nix-channel –add http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/strategoxt/strategoxt-packages/channel/latest

    nix-channel –update

  5. Install required packages:

    nix-env -i aterm sdf2-bundle strategoxt java-front strc-java

  6. Add required environment variable:

    sudo echo ‘export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/.nix-profile/lib/pkgconfig’ >> /etc/profile

    source /etc/profile

  7. Checkout WebDSL from SVN:

    svn co -q https://svn.strategoxt.org/repos/WebDSL/webdsls/trunk/ webdsl-trunk

  8. Build WebDSL:

    cd webdsl-trunk


If the bootstrap step fails with : ./bootstrap: 13: ./bootstrap: autoxt: not found make sure that $HOME/.nix-profile/bin is on the PATH.

./configure --enable-java-backend

Submitted by Vlad Vergu on 11 May 2012 at 23:16

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