the following template override caused a compilation issue in researchr:

define override ignore-access-control input(d:Ref<Date>){
  var format := DateType.getDefaultDateFormat()
  var dateformatString := ""
    var attr := attribute("format");
    if(attr!=null && attr != ""){
      format := attr;
      if(d.getReflectionProperty() != null){
        var formatanno := d.getReflectionProperty().getFormatAnnotation();
          format := formatanno;
    dateformatString := "dateFormat: '"+convertDateFormatToJQuery(format)+"', ";
  dateinputgeneric(d, format, "datepicker", dateformatString+" changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: '1900:2100'")[all attributes]{elements()}
Submitted by Danny Groenewegen on 13 July 2012 at 18:12

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