The following is from the tomcat log when deploying new version of researchr.

15:27:11,696 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table DBLP_Publication_cite_DBLP_Cite add index FKA309469C65F66A41 (_DBLP_Publication_id), add constraint FKA309469C65F66A41 foreign key (_DBLP_Publication_id) references _DBLP_Publication (id)
15:27:11,696 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:27:12,364 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table DBLP_Publication_cite_DBLP_Cite add index FKA309469C422355D2 (_cite_id), add constraint FKA309469C422355D2 foreign key (_cite_id) references _DBLP_Cite (id)
15:27:12,365 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:27:13,124 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table DBLP_Publication_editors_DBLP_Editor add index FK2C2ABB61BA1DB674 (DBLP_Publication_id_owner), add constraint FK2C2ABB61BA1DB674 foreign key (DBLP_Publication_id_owner) references _DBLP_Publication (id)
15:27:13,124 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:27:14,627 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table DBLP_Publication_editors_DBLP_Editor add index FK2C2ABB6164DA6205 (DBLP_Editor_id_inverse), add constraint FK2C2ABB6164DA6205 foreign key (DBLP_Editor_id_inverse) references _DBLP_Editor (id)
15:27:14,627 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:27:15,186 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Entry_authorAliases_Alias add index FK482A1277D6AC2C50 (_authorAliases_id), add constraint FK482A1277D6AC2C50 foreign key (_authorAliases_id) references _Alias (id)
15:27:15,187 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)

15:36:42,015 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Publication_authors_Author add index FKE76DE4153678E3C8 (Publication_id_owner), add constraint FKE76DE4153678E3C8 foreign key (Publication_id_owner) references _Publication (id)
15:36:42,016 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (researchr.<result 2 when explaining filename ‘#sql-5b0d_26e46’>, CONSTRAINT FKE76DE4153678E3C8 FOREIGN KEY (Publication_id_owner) REFERENCES _Publication (id))
15:38:38,289 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Publication_changes_PublicationChangeRecord add index FKECCCB09E3678E3C8 (Publication_id_owner), add constraint FKECCCB09E3678E3C8 foreign key (Publication_id_owner) references _Publication (id)
15:38:38,290 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (researchr.<result 2 when explaining filename ‘#sql-5b0d_26e46’>, CONSTRAINT FKECCCB09E3678E3C8 FOREIGN KEY (Publication_id_owner) REFERENCES _Publication (id))
15:38:39,041 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Publication_lists_PublicationList add index FK9ADFB22D3678E3C8 (Publication_id_owner), add constraint FK9ADFB22D3678E3C8 foreign key (Publication_id_owner) references _Publication (id)
15:38:39,041 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:39,605 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Publication_modifiers_User add index FKC662F8611B97C04E (_modifiers_id), add constraint FKC662F8611B97C04E foreign key (_modifiers_id) references _User (id)
15:38:39,606 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:40,429 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Publication_modifiers_User add index FKC662F8618F09BEB3 (_Publication_id), add constraint FKC662F8618F09BEB3 foreign key (_Publication_id) references _Publication (id)
15:38:40,430 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:41,425 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Reference_authors_Alias add index FK19B28D65D6A0723B (_authors_id), add constraint FK19B28D65D6A0723B foreign key (_authors_id) references _Alias (id)
15:38:41,426 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:42,509 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Registration_aliases_Alias add index FK6C5DC0C9BD5C2FC5 (_aliases_id), add constraint FK6C5DC0C9BD5C2FC5 foreign key (_aliases_id) references _Alias (id)
15:38:42,509 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:43,614 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Registration_persons_Person add index FK1193E73C79896396 (_persons_id), add constraint FK1193E73C79896396 foreign key (_persons_id) references _Person (id)
15:38:43,615 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:45,995 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Tag_conferences_ConferenceSeries add index FKAFC589E0D54A85D1 (ConferenceSeries_id_inverse), add constraint FKAFC589E0D54A85D1 foreign key (ConferenceSeries_id_inverse) references _ConferenceSeries (id)
15:38:45,995 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:46,689 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Tag_conferences_ConferenceSeries add index FKAFC589E0F0211988 (Tag_id_owner), add constraint FKAFC589E0F0211988 foreign key (Tag_id_owner) references _Tag (id)
15:38:46,690 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:47,415 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Tag_journals_Journal add index FKBF8708194D461CA5 (Journal_id_inverse), add constraint FKBF8708194D461CA5 foreign key (Journal_id_inverse) references _Journal (id)
15:38:47,416 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:47,966 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Tag_journals_Journal add index FKBF870819F0211988 (Tag_id_owner), add constraint FKBF870819F0211988 foreign key (Tag_id_owner) references _Tag (id)
15:38:47,966 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:48,672 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table UserIdentity_aliases_Alias add index FK677F39B9BD5C2FC5 (_aliases_id), add constraint FK677F39B9BD5C2FC5 foreign key (_aliases_id) references _Alias (id)
15:38:48,673 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:49,518 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table UserIdentity_persons_Person add index FK7AA18C4C79896396 (_persons_id), add constraint FK7AA18C4C79896396 foreign key (_persons_id) references _Person (id)
15:38:49,518 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:50,802 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table UserIdentity_publications_Author add index FKB9F4D1AD450AD45 (_publications_id), add constraint FKB9F4D1AD450AD45 foreign key (_publications_id) references _AbstractAuthor (id)
15:38:50,803 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:51,765 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Usergroup_shelved_Bibliography add index FK5B884F9315A56FF3 (_Usergroup_id), add constraint FK5B884F9315A56FF3 foreign key (_Usergroup_id) references _Usergroup (id)
15:38:51,766 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:38:52,423 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table Usergroup_shelved_Bibliography add index FK5B884F93B98CE8A8 (_shelved_id), add constraint FK5B884F93B98CE8A8 foreign key (_shelved_id) references _Bibliography (id)
15:38:52,423 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:33,785 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _AbstractAuthor add index FK7CEF168CDACEE9FE (Author_publication), add constraint FK7CEF168CDACEE9FE foreign key (Author_publication) references _Publication (id)
15:39:33,786 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (researchr.<result 2 when explaining filename ‘#sql-5b0d_26e46’>, CONSTRAINT FK7CEF168CDACEE9FE FOREIGN KEY (Author_publication) REFERENCES _Publication (id))
15:39:34,891 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _ActiveBibliography add index FK13F5C047D284BAF3 (ActiveBibliography_user), add constraint FK13F5C047D284BAF3 foreign key (ActiveBibliography_user) references _User (id)
15:39:34,892 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:35,540 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _ActiveBibliography add index FK13F5C04793C2BD21 (ActiveBibliography_bibliography), add constraint FK13F5C04793C2BD21 foreign key (ActiveBibliography_bibliography) references _Bibliography (id)
15:39:35,540 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:36,693 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _AlternativeEmail add index FK63DE9E6EA3D54CAC (AlternativeEmail_user), add constraint FK63DE9E6EA3D54CAC foreign key (AlternativeEmail_user) references _User (id)
15:39:36,693 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:37,377 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _AttendingConference add index FK4E232765DFF79E8B (AttendingConference_person), add constraint FK4E232765DFF79E8B foreign key (AttendingConference_person) references _Person (id)
15:39:37,378 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:37,809 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _AttendingConference add index FK4E232765CCC61999 (AttendingConference_conference), add constraint FK4E232765CCC61999 foreign key (AttendingConference_conference) references _Conference (id)
15:39:37,809 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:39,904 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _Bibliography add index FKE29C0161AAE4A12E (Bibliography_personal), add constraint FKE29C0161AAE4A12E foreign key (Bibliography_personal) references _User (id)
15:39:39,904 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:40,714 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _BibliographySource add index FK30908DC3FFB82DD (PersonBibliographySource_person), add constraint FK30908DC3FFB82DD foreign key (PersonBibliographySource_person) references _Person (id)
15:39:40,715 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:41,187 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _BibliographySource add index FK30908DCADC84A66 (TagBibliographySource_tag), add constraint FK30908DCADC84A66 foreign key (TagBibliographySource_tag) references _Tag (id)
15:39:41,187 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:41,595 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _BibliographySource add index FK30908DC9974A59B (ConferenceBibliographySource_conference), add constraint FK30908DC9974A59B foreign key (ConferenceBibliographySource_conference) references _ConferenceSeries (id)
15:39:41,595 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:41,945 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _BibliographySource add index FK30908DC8DD7001 (BibliographySource_bib), add constraint FK30908DC8DD7001 foreign key (BibliographySource_bib) references _Bibliography (id)
15:39:41,946 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)
15:39:42,622 ERROR SchemaUpdate:212 - Unsuccessful: alter table _BibliographySource add index FK30908DC27BB0A51 (BibBibliographySource_bibliography), add constraint FK30908DC27BB0A51 foreign key (BibBibliographySource_bibliography) references _Bibliography (id)
15:39:42,623 ERROR SchemaUpdate:213 - Can’t create table ‘researchr.#sql-5b0d_26e46’ (errno: 150)

Submitted by Eelco Visser on 14 July 2012 at 16:01

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