Related code: issue599wrap template def
Compiler log from

     [echo] Building application
     [echo] webdslc arguments: --servlet -i ../ --session-timeout 1440             --enable-caching 1        --dir "/tmp/nix-build-reposearch-app-r529050f3b988dbfca7866a0321354831f8f642b1.drv-0/.servletapp"  --indexdir index            --enable-query-optimization 1
     [echo] Directory: /tmp/nix-build-reposearch-app-r529050f3b988dbfca7866a0321354831f8f642b1.drv-0/.servletapp
     [echo] Java options: -Xss8m -Xmx1024m
     [echo] Classpath: /nix/store/n3y2hpph1hwkzx8knlkw8j0awy99daj1-webdsl-java-0pre5727/bin/webdsl.jar, strategoxt.jar
     [java] [ Main | info ] stage 1: parsing : [user/system] = [1.77s/0.00s]
     [java] [ Main | info ] stage 2: importing modules    : [user/system] = [4.02s/0.00s]
     [java] [ Main | info ] stage 3: typechecking         : [user/system] = [3.78s/0.00s]
     [java] [ Main | info ] stage 4: model-to-model       : [user/system] = [8.22s/0.00s]
     [java] [ Main | info ] stage 5: access control       : [user/system] = [3.22s/0.00s]
     [java] [ Main | info ] stage 6: performing analysisMain: rewriting failed, trace:
     [java] 	webdslc_main_0_0
     [java] 	xtc_io_wrap_5_0
     [java] 	option_wrap_5_0
     [java] 	xtc_io_1_0
     [java] 	xtc_temp_files_1_0
     [java] 	restore_always_2_0
     [java] 	xtc_webdslc_0_0
     [java] 	dsl_to_core_0_0
     [java] 	dsl_to_core_generation_0_0
     [java] 	stage_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	log_timed_1_1
     [java] 	analyze_all_0_0
     [java] 	handle_recursion_0_0
     [java] 	try_1_0
     [java] 	repeat_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_1_0
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	innermost_rep_simple_aux_1_0
     [java] 	try_1_0
     [java] 	desugar_query_analysis_0_0
     [java] 	desugar_query_analysis_0_0_fragment_0
     [java] 	perform_query_analysis_0_5
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	dr_scope_1_1
     [java] 	alltd_1_0
     [java] 	analyze_for_query_optimization_0_0
     [java] 	alltd_1_0
     [java] 	analyze_for_query_optimization_0_0
     [java] 	analyze_for_query_optimization_0_0_fragment_0
     [java] 	filter_1_0
     [java] 	analyze_for_query_optimization_effectful_0_0
     [java] 	alltd_1_0
     [java] 	analyze_for_query_optimization_0_0
     [java] 	analyze_for_query_optimization_0_0_fragment_0
     [java] 	fetch_elem_1_0
     [java] [ Main | critical ] Internal error: with clause failed unexpectedly in rule 'analyze-for-query-optimization'
     [java]            TemplateCall("issue599wrap"{"highlightCodeLines_issue599wrap0"},[Var("viewFileUri"{"highlightCodeLines_viewFileUri0"}),String("?")],[TemplateCall("elementsempty"{"highlightCodeLines_elementsempty1"},[],[ResolvedRequireKey("elements#issue599wrapString__String")],TemplateBody([])){LiftedElementsTemplateCall}],TemplateBody([]))

/nix/store/n3y2hpph1hwkzx8knlkw8j0awy99daj1-webdsl-java-0pre5727/share/webdsl/webdsl-build-command.xml:80: The following error occurred while executing this line:
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 17 June 2013 at 14:13

On 17 June 2013 at 14:13 Elmer van Chastelet tagged query-optimization

On 25 June 2013 at 11:33 Christoffer Gersen commented:

Caused by a template call inside a function call argument, using rendertemplate. Inside function calls only other called functions were checked to be analyzed, but not calls to templates. This is fixed in r5729.

On 25 June 2013 at 11:33 Christoffer Gersen closed this issue.

On 25 June 2013 at 11:34 Christoffer Gersen tagged 1.3.0

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