Ajax replace action does not respect overridden templates
The following test illustrates the problem and thus fails at this moment. Any suggestions on how to have a generic
template, while theassignValueButton
template is context specific? Would save me large pieces of code duplication…Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 30 January 2014 at 10:00application test entity Ent{ name : String (searchable) } entity Container{ myEnts : Set<Ent> myEnt : Ent } var globalEnt := Ent{ name := "bla" } var cont := Container{ } page root(){ addEntToCollection( cont.myEnts) // selectEnt( cont.myEnt) } define assignValueButton( e : Ent ){ "error, this template should be overridden" } define addEntToCollection (col : Ref<Set<Ent>>){ selectValue() define assignValueButton(e : Ent){ submit action{ col.add(e); }{ "add to collection"} } } define selectEnt (ent : Ref<Ent>){ selectValue() define assignValueButton(e : Ent){ submit action{ ent := e; }{ "select"} } } define selectValue(){ placeholder ph { } submit action { var options := [globalEnt]; replace("ph", showOptions( options )); }[id="thebutton"]{ "show options" } } define ignore-access-control ajax showOptions( options : List<Ent>){ for( e in options ){ assignValueButton( e ) } } test{ var d : WebDriver := getFirefoxDriver(); //root first submit button d.get(navigate(root())); var elist : List<WebElement> := d.findElements(SelectBy.id("thebutton")); assert(elist.length==1, "expected show options button"); elist[0].click(); assert(!d.getPageSource().contains("error"), "Action should replace placeholder with an overridden template, not the globally defined one"); }
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