static function calls in static functions compile to invalid java code
static function totalValue_update_clean ( ) : Void { var values := totalValue_dirty() ; if ( values.length != 0 ) { log("Updating " + "Node.totalValue" + ": " + values.length); } totalValue_dirty_clean(); update_totalValue(values); }
compiles to
public static void $static$totalValue_update_clean_() { java.util.Set<webdsl.generated.domain.Node> values_ = this.totalValue_dirty_(); if (!, 0)) {"Updating " + "Node.totalValue" + ": " + values_.size()); } else { } this.totalValue_dirty_clean_(); this.update_totalValueSet_Node__(values_); }
but should compile to
Submitted by Daco Harkes on 19 June 2015 at 11:27public static void $static$totalValue_update_clean_() { java.util.Set<webdsl.generated.domain.Node> values_ = $static$totalValue_dirty_(); if (!, 0)) {"Updating " + "Node.totalValue" + ": " + values_.size()); } else { } $static$totalValue_dirty_clean_(); $static$update_totalValueSet_Node__(values_); }