Small with minimal dependencies
Extensible (see below)
Fast (10-20 times faster than pegdown, see benchmarks in repo)

Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 1 March 2016 at 13:23

On 8 February 2017 at 13:54 Elmer van Chastelet commented:

I just switched to use flexmark-java (forked from commonmark-java), as recommended in the deprecation note of pegdown.
I decided to drop support for <verbatim> tags and WebDSL-style WikiLinks, e.g. [[thepage(someArg)|text]]. Normal wikilinks like [[issue/WebDSL/862|are still supported]] should still work (seems broken in our pegdown parser).

Also updated the jsoup lib, allowing use of hash-links in our safe wikitext output.

On 8 February 2017 at 13:54 Elmer van Chastelet closed this issue.

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