Conversion wizard should preserve the order of authors
Submitted by Eelco Visser on 12 August 2014 at 21:38
Issue Log
Actually the wizard does. The presentation of speakers forced alphabetic order. I’ve changed to preserve order of entering authors.
Reopened, conversion to event seems to mess things up, not only at presentation level.
This is not resolved:
Did you converted the event after August 15th ?
No, I did not.
Should I?
Ok. I reconverted the paper. That fixed author order. This suggests we should reconvert all papers.
But the accepted papers carrousel also has author order issues:
Yes, but I already did that for onward iirc. The one with 52 papers.
I see, creating new issue
The one with 52 papers is OOPSLA. Can you also do it for Onward?
Never mind. I took care of the re-conversion of the Onward papers.
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