Have some sort of people directory where one can view all speakers*, and session chairs, committee members.
- grid view with people’s photo
- faceted search on role, track/conference and affiliation (TODO: recognise aliases like “TU Delft”, “Delft University of Technology” and “University of Technology, Delft”

  • The system currently chooses the first author/performer of an event as speaker, which will work for most cases. We might improve picking the right person as speaker by looking at the assigned role.
Submitted by Elmer van Chastelet on 9 November 2017 at 09:43

On 9 November 2017 at 09:43 Elmer van Chastelet tagged 1.0.0

On 30 August 2018 at 07:56 Elmer van Chastelet removed tag 1.0.0

On 30 August 2018 at 07:56 Elmer van Chastelet tagged 1.75.0

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